web of thy site

hello this is a website i made it for a class

credit to sadgrl for her super helpful layout builder for neocities

hi there you fellow person, likely either my professor or someone else who mysteriously managed to end up here. it's good to have you

Presuming you are the professor, you might be wondering why on earth I'm making my website with neocities in a very informal way, instead of making an actual official looking portfolio with Adobe portfolio or Wix, but really...
I'm doing this because I doubt that I would use whatever website I created past this class if I were to make such a portfolio - I actually had to make one in highschool for some of my projects, but I don't remember the URL now, nor know if it's still up. Thus, my thought process has been more along the lines of 'if I'm making a personal website, why not have fun with it and see what happens' for this project.

Of course, if you're *not* the professor of my class, yet have somehow ended up here anyway - why and how did you get here? Seriously, did you type in the url at random or something, or find it through the list of all neocities websites and decide for some reason to check it out? Or did my future self make the questionable decision of linking to this website somewhere and you just so happened to click upon that? Or did you get here some other way entirely that my feeble human mind cannot even fathom?

...Well, now that you *are* here regardless, you might be wondering what possible value this site could add to your existence if it was clearly made for one specific class you know next to nothing about based on the information presented thus far.

To that I say - not much really, but I will randomly put things here when I feel like it now that it exists, a form of safely screaming into the void of the internet some of my idle thoughts and ideas if you will, out of a desire to both put something of myself out there but also remain largely if not competely unheard. Or something along those lines...

If that interests you, than feel free to stick around, otherwise - for the actual class project this whole thing was made for, a link to my gallery and 'about me' can be found below. I apoligize for not making a better website and for not managing to put more time and energy into this class, turning things in half-finished and at the last minute as I have. I really wish I could just figure out how to be a better, more productive student and person, but it's sadly still very much so a work in progress, so I'll have to settle for now with what I have managed to create and do for this class.

- Makeshift directory-

About me!

Gallery of Art made for this class